How technology impacts us.

Author: Mayank Batavia (page 5 of 6)

Fake Twitter accounts being deleted in millions

Twitter is removing millions of fake Twitter accounts that have bloated the follower base of celebrities and wanna-be celebrities the world over.

With this, Twitter is now in the company of major digital platforms that are battling fake accounts, bot-generated reviews, purchased endorsements or puffed-up video view counts. Read more

Will robots take my job?

A lot of people at various job levels are asking: will robots take my job?

Robots, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are terms often used interchangeably. All around, we see machines slowly taking up relatively complex and sophisticated jobs. Naturally that worries people. Read more

Facebook Cambridge Analytica case fully explained

Ever wondered what is Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal all about? Do you want to know everything about the Cambridge Analytica Facebook data breach?

As we enter the age when GDPR is going to keep intruding companies in check, this case of data privacy breach is surely something you’d want to learn about.

How about an infographic that summarizes everything?

Facebook Cambridge Analytica Infographic

The infographic below will explain the Facebook Cambridge Analytica case personal data breach. Read more