Following the data privacy breaches resulting from the Cambridge Analytica incident, Mark Zuckerberg, founder-CEO Facebook, was questioned by the elected officials of the Federal government. As Zuckerberg braved 10 hours of questioning over two days, a large number things emerged. Read more
Author: Mayank Batavia (page 6 of 6)
Lately there have been lots of discussions on forced technology transfer and the Made in China 2025 policy. Experts have been battling over whether China is using any arm-twisting techniques China to protect and promote its domestic businesses, with little or no respect to the WTO Read more
As May 2018 comes close, everybody is talking about the GDPR. What is the GDPR? What are the various definitions under the GDPR? How does the GDPR apply?
These, and many more questions, may also be puzzling you. This post will help you understand the GDPR much more clearly. This post also explains the definitions under the GDPR with examples. Read more
What would you expect from top marketing automation tools? How exactly would you rank marketing automation software available today? And even if you found some top-rated marketing automation software, what criteria would you use to figure out if which of them suited your business?
When Harvard Business Review, in 2014, rated marketing automation as one of the top 7 technologies for companies to use, it wasn’t a case of misplaced enthusiasm. Marketing automation tools have most certainly lived upto their fame; the level of sophistication, insights and speed Read more
Isn’t it too late to discuss what are the key elements of email marketing trends 2018 at the fag-end of March?
Well, yes and no. Yes, because a large number of posts elsewhere have analyzed trends in email marketing in 2018 threadbare by now, many of them as early as September 2017.
No, because the newer regulations like the GDPR looms close by, and no discussion on email marketing and automation predictions for 2018 Read more